BOZEMAN — The Montana State Women's basketball team is hosting a child cancer support game Thursday night at the Brick Breden Field House. In honor of gold being the color of child cancer support, if you wear your gold, you get in the game for just $5.
“We wanted to add as much as possible but keep it as clean as possible,” Jackson Dudak, the Montana State Athletics Director of Marketing and Game Operations, told me as he showed off the jersey design.
“We are wearing limited edition jerseys for tonight. Right now you're actually able to bid on these jerseys through,” says Jackson.

Until 8:30 p.m. on Thursday night, anyone can bid on limited gold jerseys, worn by our Montana State Women's basketball team during their game against Idaho.
Even some popular Montana State Alums such as Alex Singleton and West Wilson have shown interest in bidding on these jerseys.
“It’s great to see so many different people getting involved with it, on either social media or reaching out through email,” says Jackson.
A fun event that’s bringing our Bobcat community together. But what's even better is that all proceeds are going to Cancer Support Community Montana, in efforts to raise money and awareness for kids suffering from cancer, as well as kids dealing with cancer in their families.
“Kids need support when cancer comes into their life. They need to learn how to talk about cancer. They need to learn to understand cancer. They need to know they didn’t cause mom's cancer. And they need to know they can’t catch it from sitting on grandma's lap,” says Becky Franks, CEO of Cancer Support Community Montana. She told me proceeds from these jerseys will be used to fund Kids Support, a 10-week-long program created to help kids who are dealing with cancer.
If you’re interested in being a part of Cancer Support Community’s mission by bidding on these jerseys, you better be ready to spend some money.
“The highest ones get up to about $500, which is awesome,” says Jackson.
And with 14 jerseys up for auction, that's a good chunk of money going to an even greater cause.