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Out and About: Bozeman's outdoor ice rinks offer free, winter fun

Due to the unseasonably warm weather, rinks got a late start this year.

BOZEMAN — One of the best parts of winter in Montana is getting out and playing some ice sports. And thanks to Bozeman Parks and Recreation, you can do it for free.

"Right now, I'm doing some skating. Just some good old hockey, passing the puck around for fun," says Dorothy Burns.

Burns moved to Montana from the Midwest more than 20 years ago and says her motivation was the winter sports opportunities.

Out and About: Bozeman's outdoor ice rinks offer free, winter fun

"Watching the temperatures drop in the recent days, you know, in the last couple weeks we finally got winter. And it just gets everyone stoked because that’s why we’re here," says Burns.

Bozeman Parks Assistant Superintendent Doug Eisenman says warm temperatures earlier in the season kept them from opening local ice rinks sooner.

"We were way behind because we didn’t have cold temperatures until the first part of January. Ideally, we would like to have them open by Christmas break for the kids, but we haven’t been able to do that for quite a few years," Eisenman says.

Building the ice rinks starts with cold weather—to make the ground hard with frost. Then comes the needed snowpack.

"Which we didn’t have much of this year until lately. So, then we pack the snow in, roll it with the roller behind a 4-wheeler, and then we’re able to start soaking the rinks," he says.

I caught some city workers spraying down Beall Park, which isn’t quite ready yet, but rinks like Bogert are up and running.

Burns says, "What I like about this one is that it’s in old town Bozeman, it’s outdoors, good ice, and easy to get to."

She appreciates having the space for free recreational fun, especially during winter months.

"As we find ourselves in these cold temperatures, we can stay isolated and indoors and it’s never good to be stagnant for too long," says Burns.

And though the rink looks empty now, Dorothy says they’re usually buzzing with activity.

"Just people having fun. And I think that’s what’s most important, is these rinks really bring people together," says Burns.