

Not as hazy with a few isolated thunderstorms

and last updated

BOZEMAN – A weak disturbance spinning over central Montana today helped produce cooler temperatures and a wind shift out of the north or east which helped produced better air quality over SW Montana.

The Air Quality Alert over SW Montana has been cancelled but the alert is still in effect for far western and NW Montana counties and over most of western Wyoming including Yellowstone National Park.


Isolated showers or thunderstorms are possible east of the divide over SW Montana but there is a much higher probability for showers and thunderstorms over central and eastern counties this afternoon and early evening.

Near normal temperatures are likely again Wednesday but little to no moisture in the mid-week forecast. A few isolated late day thunderstorms could develop Thursday afternoon as monsoon moisture lifts into the region.

This time of the year, we worry about this type of a pattern as there could be a mix of wetting thunderstorms and a few could be on the drier side producing lightning and new fire starts.


Temperature forecast are back to incredibly hot by the weekend as temperatures rise into the 90s and some of us locally in SW Montana could see upper 90s to lower 100s by Sunday.