Sunday's Forecast:
Temperatures will stay near average for your Sunday afternoon, but with plenty of sunshine and a light west to southwest wind between 5-10 mph. Morning temperatures will be cool to start the day but will climb steadily to the low 30s for most of the area. Lows will fall back to the teens and single digits with mainly clear skies.
BOZEMAN: High: 34; Low: 12. Chilly start with mainly sunny skies. Light wind and clear conditions are expected for the afternoon.
BUTTE: High: 25; Low: 3. Temperatures will be slow to warm up for the afternoon, but you should expect mostly sunny skies and a light wind.
DILLON: High: 35; Low: 19. Mild temperatures and a light wind out of the west to southwest between 5-15 mph.
WEST YELLOWSTONE: High: 30; Low: 4. Mix of clouds to start your day with partly cloudy sky for the afternoon.