Today's Forecast:
Less wind and more sunshine for your Thursday afternoon. Highs will stay in the low and middle 30s for the afternoon with a northwest wind between 5-15 mph with gusts as high as 25 mph. Skies will remain clear until the evening before clouds try to roll back into the region leaving us with partly cloudy to mostly cloudy skies by early Friday morning.
BOZEMAN: High: 32; Low: 14. While the wind will not be as strong for today our temperatures will be significantly cooler as well. Winds will stay out of the west to northwest between 10-20 mph with gusts near 25 mph. Skies will be clear through the early afternoon before high clouds begin to drift into the region.
BUTTE: High: 32; Low: 12. Cooler with less wind for your Thursday. Highs will struggle despite plenty of sunshine this afternoon. Winds will stay out of the northwest between 5-15 mph.
DILLON: High: 32; Low: 12. Brisk west winds between 10-20 mph are likely with plenty of sunshine through the early afternoon.
WEST YELLOWSTONE: High: 24; Low: -4. Look for chilly sunshine for your Thursday. With mainly clear conditions tonight you can expect an abrupt drop in temperatures this evening with lows below zero early Friday morning.