
Job Service Bozeman helps locals find jobs during COVID-19 pandemic

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GALLATIN COUNTY — Job Service Montana offices are primarily helping people navigate the Montana Department of Labor & Industry website as they apply for unemployment benefits during the COVID-19 pandemic.

But they’re also continuing their service of helping people find work and resume building.

Job Service Bozeman serves Gallatin, Park, Madison and Meagher counties.

The office reports it is a difficult time to find a job, but there’s still work out there.

“With lots of businesses closing down and laying people off, there isn’t an opportunity to really find jobs. But there are still places that are hiring,” said Holly Wolfe, supervisor with Job Service Montana.

Job Service Bozeman says many of those jobs are in the food industry and stocking for essential businesses.

That includes delivering food for restaurants, stocking items at grocery stores or large retail companies and working checkout at some of these essential businesses.

The office says they are continuing their services during the pandemic, all over the phone or Skype.

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The Rebound: Montana