BOZEMAN — With Bozeman residents waking up to nearly two feet of snow Saturday morning, many had to alter their weekend plans.
"We woke up and planned on going skiing," Bozeman resident Chase Anders smiled. "Just with the amount of snow and digging ourselves out it took a bit, so we didn't make it to the ski hill, but we made it to the sledding hill instead."
Dozens flocked to Gallatin County Regional Park Saturday afternoon to enjoy the fresh powder by building snow ramps and sledding.

"We've been waiting on the March snow storms," Sarah Anders stated. "There's one every year. We wanted it a little earlier, but hey we'll take it."
While the fresh snow canceled Bozeman resident Bracken Spencer's plans of traveling to Billings for his daughter's soccer games, he enjoyed Saturday's audible of sledding with his family.
"Sledding is all about having fun right and enjoying the weather," Spencer explained. "We can't control the weather, so let's enjoy what we have when we have it."