BOZEMAN — It’s not uncommon for people who work on Main Street in Downtown Bozeman to park in nearby neighborhoods. The city wants to make sure those residents always have a place to park, while also offering space for regular commuters.
The Bozeman City Commission will vote on a Downtown Parking Management District and Parking Benefit Zone on Monday.
“The residents get first shot. So every resident gets a sticker of some kind, possibly two. And then one for guests,” said Mayor Chris Mehl.
Residents can choose to sell their extra parking passes, and those would go to commuters.
“And then that money from the sale would take care of the costs of the stickers. So it would drive down the administrative cost by selling it to somebody that works on main street,” said Mehl.
A parking district would establish parking zones that only included affected neighborhoods.
“If this passes on Monday, the Parking Commission would then go back and consider where those possible zones should be,” Mehl said. “That means more public meetings, more chance for input, specific rules things like that.”