BUTTE — Another nursing facility in Butte is experiencing a COVID-19 outbreak.
Butte’s Copper Ridge Health and Rehab skilled nursing facility is experiencing a COVID-19 outbreak, with 30 residents and 13 staff members testing positive for the virus. Three facility residents have died due to COVID-related causes.
Health Officer Karen Sullivan said Butte-Silver Bow Health Department staff have been working extensively with Copper Ridge’s administrator, Brenna Anderson. Sullivan said Copper Ridge staff have been diligent in their management prior to the outbreak, and now during the event.
The facility’s first case was reported Oct. 28.
“The facility has been incredibly conservative in their approach all along,” Sullivan said. “They are heartbroken in the loss of their residents, as are we. Our thoughts and condolences are with the families of the deceased, and with Copper Ridge staff.”
Copper Ridge is located at 3251 Nettie in Butte.
Montana is home to 72 long-term care facilities. Of those facilities, 64 – or almost 89 percent – have reported 1,079 positive cases. Forty-seven facilities – or about 65 percent – report having ongoing cases – as of Nov. 5, the facilities were reporting 706 active cases. As of the same date, the state of Montana was reporting 79 fatalities from the state’s long-term facilities.
The Health Department previously has reported a COVID-19 outbreak at Continental Care & Rehabilitation, 2400 Continental. That facility has reported 12 COVID-19-related fatalities. Butte-Silver Bow now reports a total of 15 fatalities related to COVID-19, all associated with the two long-term care facilities.