
Helena retirement community teaches seniors how to avoid slips and falls

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HELENA — Touchmark retirement community teaches Helena residents, 65 years and older, how to prevent slipping and falling.

"You never know what's going to happen when you do fall, because falling can be so detrimental to your health and your physical health and your mental health," said Berit Hansen, Touchmark’s Health and Fitness manager.

Hansen says the S.A.I.L (Staying Active and Independent for Life) class builds strength and agility to prevent falling.

"It's a class for adults 65 years and older, who not necessarily have a fear of falling but are aware of falling and how to reduce their fall," said Hansen.

Through a variety of aerobic exercises and stretching the course will train participants' muscles.

"It works by improving muscle function by strengthening your muscles, stretching those muscles out, so you have more range of motion," said Hansen

The educational aspect of the class will train participants to be more aware of their environment.

"It not only makes you aware of your environment, it makes you able to manipulate your environment around you to make it safer for you to exist in your own home or exist out the community and ambulating around," said Hansen.

The class is open to the public and if you are interested in joining the class, you can contact Berit at 406-449-4900.