

Donald Trump says he’s ‘not a conspiratorial person.’ Um…

Posted at 1:17 PM, Sep 20, 2018
and last updated 2018-09-20 15:17:24-04

Donald Trump has told a lot of whoppers since taking over as the 45th President of the United States last January. More than 5,000 of them to date.

And yet, something he said earlier this week in an interview with Hill.TV has to be considered one of his greatest fibs. Asked whether he truly believes in the idea of a “deep state” working to undermine his presidency, Trump responded: “I don’t like to use it because it sounds so conspiratorial and believe it or not I’m really not a conspiratorial person. But I think it’s a sad day for our country.”


The unquestioned truth about Trump is that he believes in a number of conspiracy theories — many of which revolve around the idea that he has been victimized or is currently being victimized. More on that in a minute, but before I detail all of the many conspiracy theories Trump has either pushed, created or admitted to believing, consider this: In response to a question about a conspiracy theory concerning a broad-scale attempt to hamstring his presidency from within the government, Trump says he doesn’t like the term “deep state” but then acknowledges he believes it exists via this line: “I think it’s a sad day for our country.”

Uh, OK.

Below, my running list of the major conspiracy theories Trump has embraced since he became a presidential candidate in June 2015. And remember that Trump’s willingness to push the idea that then-President Barack Obama might not have been born in the United States was the seed that germinated into the real estate billionaire’s eventual presidential candidacy. Trump’s political life was born in conspiracy theory — and he continues to marinate in them as President to forward his political interests.

* Ted Cruz’s father was involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy

* Between3 and 5 million illegal votes were cast in the 2016 election

* The evidence isn’t clear that Russia interfered in the election

* Longtime Clinton aide Vince Foster may not have committed suicide

* Vaccines may be causing autism and other problems

*Muslims were celebrating on New Jersey roofs on Sept. 11, 2001

* Supreme Court JusticeAntonin Scalia may have been murdered

*Climate change may not actually be a thing

* His voice might not actually be his voiceon the “Access Hollywood” tape

*Obama ordered a wiretap on his phones at Trump Towerduring the 2016 campaign

* Google is “rigged”

* NBC altered the tape of Trump’s interview with Lester Holt

* Photos were edited to suggest that his inauguration crowds weren’t the largest ever (The opposite was true!)

* There is a “deep state” embedded within the federal government aiming to undermine him

All of this is definitive proof — as if you needed it — that Donald Trump is not only a believer in conspiracy theories but, at times, an author of them. Case closed.